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Altan Joloo Trade LLC was listed as on of the top 99 tax payers in the country.


The General Department of Taxation listed Altan Joloo Trade LLC (Sansar Supermarket Chain) as one of the top 99 taxpayers in the country. Mongolian Taxation Department has a long standing tradition of celebrating 2nd week of May as Taxpayers day and this year is the 18th annual celebration. 

In order to award the year’s top taxpayers, the department consideres following criterias to evaluate, including:  paid amount, timely payment of its taxes, timely submission of its tax reports, evaluated as a low or medium level tax risk entity. 

Phone number:      +976 7705 5959
Fax:    +976 11 456765


Altan Joloo Tower,
3rd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district,
Mongolia 14252

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